April 28 – May 4, 2019
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Embrace what's possible on the 28th. Abide by the rules, and stick to the facts. Put your energy into something constructive and meaningful. Emotional matters will escalate on the 29th and 30th if you disagree with someone or you make promises you cannot deliver. Focus more on personal improvements than trying to do for others. Get along with your peers on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd to avoid being talked about. Do your best and use your intellect and charm along with positive suggestions and encouragement. Get together with friends or relatives on the 4th to gain insight into subjects that can help you advance. Before you share information, verify the facts.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Think before you make a move on the 28th. If you let your emotions dictate or set the mood, you will end up trying to salvage a loss that wasn't necessary. Trying too hard to please others on the 29th and 30th will be painstakingly difficult and unrewarding. Don't let anyone take advantage of you or cost you emotionally or financially. Work quietly behind the scenes on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The more you put in place before you reveal what you are up to or working toward, the easier it will be to accomplish your goal. Preparation will make the difference between success and failure. An emotional response will lead to greater opportunities on the 4th. Follow your heart.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Make a concerted effort to develop and nurture important relationships on the 28th. Discussing future plans with someone you love will give you something to look forward to. Emotional deception is apparent on the 29th and 30th. Someone will exaggerate or take advantage of you. Don't believe everything you hear. Ask questions, be specific and get offers in writing. Learn from experience on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The more you know, the less you will have to worry about. An opportunity may be enticing, but before you participate, get the facts and figures. Listen carefully on the 4th before you reveal where you stand or what you intend to do. Play it safe, and avoid being sorry.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Listen carefully on the 28th. Don't misinterpret what someone is telling you. Facts matter, and if you only hear what you want to hear, you'll make a mistake. You'll gain ground on the 29th and 30th when it comes to professional matters and partnerships. Taking the road less traveled will lead you on an interesting adventure and life experience. Getting involved with helping others on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd will have its pros and cons. What you learn and experience will have emotional consequences that change your attitude. Don't make promises before you know what's expected of you. Set your goal on the 4th, and don't stop until you are happy with the results. A change will do you good.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Make time on the 28th for personal improvement, spending time with someone you love or taking on a new project that excites you. Attend a trade show, conference or anything else that will help you gain insight into your pursuit. Someone will feed you false information on the 29th and 30th. Getting involved with people who are excessive or tend to exaggerate will implicate you in situations that could be costly. Don't make professional or personal changes on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd that can influence your reputation, position or your status. Be frank about your feelings as well as your plans. Keep your emotions under control on the 4th to offset someone meddling in your affairs.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What you learn on the 28th will change the way you think and how you move forward. Talk to people who can offer insight into your heritage; it will prompt you to try something new. Don't let what someone else does on the 29th and 30th disrupt your plans. Arguing will exacerbate a situation that is best left alone. You'll have better luck getting things done on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd if you are willing to compromise. Keeping the peace will push others to work with instead of against you. Once you agree on a common goal, everything will fall into place. Positive change will transpire on the 4th as you put your plans in motion.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A day trip, visiting old friends or attending a reunion will lead to interesting opportunities on the 28th. Problems with one of your peers will develop on the 29th and 30th if you are in competition with one another. Don't believe everything you hear or make assumptions based on gossip. It's time to rethink your personal financial, legal or medical strategy on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd if you want to improve your life. Implement a strict savings plan, diet and fitness routine and negotiation tactic that will help ease stress and get you back on track. Handle partnerships with care on the 4th. Open up about the way you feel and what you want to see happen.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can make a transition from one lifestyle to another on the 28th by following your dreams and heading in a direction that allows you to use your talents to excel. Traveling or socializing with people who have similar goals or aspirations on the 29th and 30th will be a confirmation that you are doing the right thing. A change will be rejuvenating. An interesting offer should be handled personally on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Speak on your own behalf, and ask for what you believe is fair as well as required for you to be successful. An important partnership should be nurtured on the 4th. Make a promise, and start making long-term plans that will give you something to look forward to.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make changes that will improve your personal life, important relationships and your home environment on the 28th. How you live and how you treat others will determine how happy you are. Trying to persuade others to do things your way on the 29th and 30th will backfire. Put your energy into personal achievements, not trying to get others to do things for you. Plan something special for someone you love on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The time and effort you put in on someone else's behalf will bring you closer together. Networking and business meetings will lead to a new opportunity. Reuniting with people you haven't seen in a long time will be energizing on the 4th.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Review what you've been doing the past few years on the 28th. You'll come up with a game plan that will help you move forward. Take a different approach to the way you live, handle your money or earn a living on the 29th and 30th. You'll discover a talent you didn't know you had if you try something new. Don't let what others do upset you or cause you to fall behind on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Someone will point out or criticize you for not finishing what you start or reaching your deadline. Make a change at home or to the way you live on the 4th that will help ease stress, add comfort and bring family and friends closer together.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Take on projects that are energetic on the 28th. Target fitness, health and updating your image; you will get good results and plenty of compliments. Don't take on someone else's responsibilities on the 29th and 30th. Do what suits you instead of following or copying what someone else does. A new approach to an old idea will give it the validity required to gain the support of influential people on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Presentations will go well, and personal gains look promising. An unexpected situation will surface on the 4th regarding money or legal concerns. Don't act in haste or you will give someone the upper hand. Go over the details, and respond with a workable solution.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): An exaggerated situation will leave you in an awkward position on the 28th. Try not to get caught in someone else's fight. How you handle your money and your time on the 29th and 30th will make a difference to the way others view you. A practical approach to life and how you help others is encouraged. Consider what's being asked of you on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd before you make a commitment. Only offer what you know you can afford and have time to do. If you don't honor a promise you make, it will have an impact on your reputation and your relationship with others. A change is in order on the 4th. Make it clear what you want to see happen.