August 13 – August 19, 2017
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Professional concerns should be thought through carefully on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Your goal should be to secure the position you have and use your intelligence and brawn to ensure that you have gone over and above whatever is expected or required. Don't let petty differences or personal situations slow you down. Emotional issues can be dealt with on the 16th and 17th. Open up a conversation that will address equality issues and build from there. Give and take will make or break your relationship. Don't overreact on the 18th and 19th. Focus on having fun and living in the moment with someone special. Let the little things go and savor the good times.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Look for a creative outlet on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Use your intelligence and insight to find a project that will help take your mind off emotional situations that you can do nothing about. Take the time and space you need to chill until you are ready to figure out what your next move will be. Don't use force or let anger or regret take over. On the 16th and 17th, a professional opportunity that crops up must not be ignored. Send out your resume, set up interviews or negotiate contracts. You can get ahead if you proceed with diligence. Be careful if traveling on the 18th and 19th. Take your time and avoid being around impulsive people.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Trust insiders on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Someone you know little about will use charm and fast talk to capture your attention. Someone close to you will have a better understanding of a situation you are in and offer the wisdom you need to make a good decision. Bring about changes at home on the 16th and 17th, and you will not only improve your surroundings, but you will stabilize your relationships with those you live with. Share your feelings and listen to what others want and need as well, and you will find common ground. Deal with your personal finances or someone else's on the 18th and 19th.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Getting along with others will be half the battle on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Anger about tiny annoyances will grow into something that isn't worth the fight. Look for alternative ways to release energy. Taking the high road will lead to a better sense of who you are and what you are capable of doing. On the 16th and 17th, if you want to get things done, you are best to work on your own and in a space that is low-traffic. Interference will be the cause of your inability to accomplish your goals. Emotions will be difficult to control on the 18th and 19th. Rely on instincts and intelligence to overcome temptation, indulgence and overreacting.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don't feel the need to engage in emotional debates on the 13th, 14th and 15th. You will fare much better if you are introverted and stay focused on a project, good book or learning something new. Your success will be the sweetest way to get back at someone who has done you wrong. Push what you have to offer on the 16th and 17th, and do so with passion and the intention of making a difference. An unexpected change will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Don't quibble about what's happening; seize the moment and excel. Expect delay on the 18th and 19th. Don't let the little things get to you or succumb to temptation. Live within your means.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Speak from the heart on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Your words will make a difference to someone in need. Don't feel responsible for someone putting demands on you. Give to those who are grateful and responsive to what you offer. A positive attitude will encourage others to follow your lead and pay it forward whenever possible. You'll be faced with decisions that will affect other people on the 16th and 17th. Do your best to gather information and find out what's important to those around you before you move forward. Take time out for love, romance and entertainment on the 18th and 19th. Time spent with friends, family or your lover will bring you closer together.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): On the 13th, 14th and 15th, take a moment to let things settle. No matter what is going on around you, staying calm, observant and introspective will help you resolve any encounter that borders on discord, impulse or temptation. Take this time to tweak any facet of your personal documents that may need updating. You'll be in a good position on the 16th and 17th to make a spur-of-the-moment decision that will encourage you to relocate or make a change to the way you live. You'll face some opposition on the 18th and 19th for the choices you make, but you have to follow your heart and not give in to the pressure others put on you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don't give in to jealousy or let your imagination run wild with envy on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Aim for something that will bring you satisfaction. Put your energy into getting ahead or manufacturing a lifestyle that encourages you to use your skills, physical attributes and intuitive intelligence wisely. Dedication and drive will be important on the 15th and 16th, along with questioning the fine print of any deal you are negotiating. Don't trust anyone; do the legwork and gather the facts. A mini vacation or romantic rendezvous on the 18th and 19th will do you good. Avoid overspending and indulgence to ensure you don't end up feeling guilty or stressed-out.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): On the 13th, 14th and 15th, you'll encounter interesting experiences that will change the way you do things and how you move forward. Learn as you go and be willing to put foresight and concentration into what's made available to you. Dedication will pay off, and mindfulness will win you favors as well as support. Deal with partnerships directly on the 16th and 17th. Don't leave anything to chance or act on an assumption. Flesh out whatever information you need and question anything that sounds inaccurate or peculiar. You'll be tempted to overspend or to be self-indulgent on the 18th and 19th. It's OK to celebrate, but not without discipline and restrictions on how much you spend.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Take a step in the right direction on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Make positive changes at home, but don't go over budget or implement your plans without the go-ahead from those affected by the choices you make. Use common sense and you'll find innovative ways to stick to your budget and still be satisfied with your results. Impulsive actions will be difficult to regulate on the 16th and 17th. Problems will develop within partnerships if you cannot agree on how much to spend or how to develop something you are working on together. Use your charm and wisdom on the 18th and 19th to get your way. Offering practical alternatives will help, but compromise will seal a deal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Staying calm on the 13th, 14th and 15th will help you avoid a disaster. Partnerships will be tested, and emotional incidences will fester. Go over your personal papers and any information that may need an adjustment in order to protect against loss or a poor decision someone makes. Choose to use intelligence over brute force. Good intentions are prominent on the 16th and 17th, but honesty and integrity are required. Don't let anyone use emotional tactics to push you in a direction that will leave you in a vulnerable position. Change has to be made for a good reason on the 18th and 19th, not on an emotional whim. Think before you take on something you won't be able to control.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You can talk your way in or out of anything on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Use your persuasive talents to help you convince someone you love to forge ahead with you. Having the support and assistance of someone special will make your life easier. Romance is in the stars. Someone will question your motives on the 16th and 17th. Don't make changes at home or to the way you live without getting the consent of those your decisions will affect. An unexpected responsibility will cause personal or professional restrictions. Stick to basics on the 18th and 19th, and you will achieve your goal. Excess will cause someone to overreact. Have a backup plan ready. Focus on love, not discord.