May 8 - 14, 2016
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take the initiative on the 8th and 9th, and don't stop until you get what you want. High-energy tactics and serious talks will pay off. Emotions will surface if you cannot agree with someone you are in a personal relationship with on the 10th and 11th. Listen to what others want, and look for a compromise that will appease everyone. Research moneymaking ventures that will raise your standard of living on the 12th and 13th. Networking will help put you in the right place at the right time to wheel and deal. Observe what others are doing on the 14th, and base your decisions on facts, not assumptions. Choose to be practical. Opt for a sure thing, not a risky venture.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): On the 8th and 9th, put more effort into self-improvement that will help you tune in to what's new and trendy. Learn how to adapt your skills and talents to fit the current economic climate. Concentrate on your domestic situation on the 10th and 11th, and make changes that will ensure comfort and add to your loved one's happiness. A romantic gesture will pay off. An interest you have should be explored further on the 12th and 13th. Do your research and make plans to participate. A past acquaintance will be able to help you out. Share your ideas on the 14th, but don't let anyone take over or take credit. A trip will bring you closer to children or your lover.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Do your own thing on the 8th and 9th -- regardless of any interference or last-minute change of plans. Showing strength and resistance will stifle someone's attempt to be a bad influence. Be realistic when dealing with friends, children or anyone trying to convince you to do more then you should on the 10th and 11th. You'll be led astray by promises that sound too good to be true. Do your research. Do whatever it takes to make your home one of comfort and refuge on the 12th and 13th. You will need a safe place to evaluate your current situation and make important decisions regarding your future. Don't give in to emotional manipulation on the 14th. Make wise choices.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): A kind offer will be well-received on the 8th and 9th. What you do for others will position you for an interesting project that will also introduce you to unique individuals. Emotions will surface on the 10th and 11th, making this an ideal time to share your feelings with someone you love. Romantic plans will give you something to look forward to. Be careful not to offer too much on the 12th and 13th. You'll be taken advantage of if you are too eager to please. Make suggestions but be reserved with cash donations or hands-on help. On the 14th, sign up for something that interests you, and be sure to include someone you want to spend more time with.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Look at the possibilities on the 8th and 9th, but keep your plans to yourself if you want to avoid interference. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone if that's what it takes to bring about positive change. An impulsive move on the 10th and 11th will raise suspicion if you aren't careful. Do your best to work under the radar until you are fully prepared to promote your next move. You'll face opposition if you are dramatic or overreact on the 12th and 13th. Put your time and energy into physical achievements that will also build confidence, strength and the ability to recognize what's achievable. On the 14th, keep an open mind and listen carefully, but don't give into pressure tactics.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Believe in you and put your plans first on the 8th and 9th. Don't worry about what others do or say. You are on the right track, and the end result will be beneficial and help you eliminate dead weight. You can make a difference on the 10th and 11th. Make suggestions and participate in events. Your voice counts, and the detail and solutions you offer will draw interest. Don't share personal secrets on the 12th and 13th. Keep the peace at home by taking care of your responsibilities before you head out to do your own thing. Past experience will help you move forward on the 14th. Getting involved in events that offer self-help, knowledge or romance is favored.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take pride in what you do on the 8th and 9th. Interacting with people who share your interests will help you bring about change. Personal development will bring good results. Refuse to let your emotions take over when dealing with professional matters on the 10th and 11th. Keep your personal thoughts and feelings a secret. Don't let anyone bully you. Make a point to bring about positive change on the 12th and 13th. A partnership will undergo a transformation, but in the end, it will bring you closer together. Monitor your investments, assets and contributions on the 14th. Moderation will be required if you want to avoid loss. Host a gathering that will encourage others to pitch in and help you improve your surroundings.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Check out investments or prospects that catch your eye on the 8th and 9th. An emotional matter -- if handled openly -- will be easily resolved. Romance is encouraged. Your desire to do things differently on the 10th and 11th will bring about concerns and meddling that will hit an emotional chord. Be reasonable, but don't fold under pressure. On the 12th and 13th, listen and be attentive when dealing with affairs of the heart in order to avoid an unexpected change that will disrupt your plans. Get everything in order before you share your intentions. Get chores out of the way so that you are free to do things that allow you to use your creativity and talents on the 14th.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Caution while traveling or sharing important information will be necessary on the 8th and 9th. Exaggerating facts or being gullible to someone's rhetoric will be costly. Tie up loose ends on the 10th and 11th. Having your financial paperwork in order will ease your mind and ensure that you won't go over budget. Set an incentive and save for something you really want. You'll be anxious to experience new people, places and philosophies on the 12th and 13th. Listen and observe, but don't be too willing to believe what you hear or follow the crowd. You'll be disappointed in someone you thought you could trust on the 14th. Back away from anyone playing with your feelings and emotional well-being.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make alterations at home on the 8th and 9th. Cutting your overhead or sharing expenses with someone will help you reach your financial goals. Negotiations and contracts look promising. Romance is highlighted. Share your feelings with someone special on the 10th and 11th, and you will come up with a plan that will bring you closer to your personal goals. Explore lifestyle options. A good opportunity is heading in your direction on the 12th and 13th. Don't miss out due to an emotional issue that crops up with a partner. Do what's best for you. Good fortune is heading in your direction on the 14th. A gift or financial gain will come from an unexpected source. Be gracious.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): On the 8th and 9th, bring about a personal change that will get you back on track and heading in a direction that makes you happy. Loving what you do will ease your stress and make you want to strive to do and be your best. Dealing with friends, relatives or neighbors on the 10th and 11th will present a challenge and require insight and patience. Refrain from making an emotional decision. Keep an open mind on the 12th and 13th, but don't give in to someone using unfair tactics. You'll run up against opposition if you choose to discuss emotional matters on the 14th. Concentrate on your health and wellness. Physical fitness will bring good results.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don't give in to emotional manipulation on the 8th and 9th. Use past experience to decipher the best way to handle someone trying to take advantage of you. On the 10th and 11th, getting together with people from your past will spark enthusiasm and bring about new beginnings. Romance is in the stars, and personal plans can be put in place. Stick to whatever budget you set on the 12th and 13th -- even if you want to impress someone special. It's better to be frugal than stressed out over a lack of funds. Get involved in something you find challenging on the 14th, and you will make an impression. Update your personal appearance, and compliments will come your way.