January 10 - 16, 2016
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Protect your reputation, and avoid being put in an awkward position on the 10th. Take care of any physical concerns, and set a schedule that will help you get into tip-top shape. On the 11th and 12th, don't let laziness kick in when you should be doing something that you feel passionate about or indulging in romantic plans. The changes you bring about will lead to better days ahead. Don't let a comment someone makes bait you into an argument on the 13th and 14th. Work quietly behind the scenes where you can accomplish the most with the least interference. Channel your emotions into self-improvement and spending more time with someone you love on the 15th and 16th.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): On the 10th, take an interest in what others are doing, and you will meet interesting people who offer a different perspective or way of life. Think matters through on the 12th and 13th, and execute whatever you decide to do for the right reason. Get all the facts, and consider suggestions made by those most affected by the situation you are trying to fix. The help you offer others will boost your confidence and your popularity on the 13th and 14th. Travel and communication are highlighted and promise greater insight into future trends. Keep your personal life, plans and thoughts a secret on the 15th and 16th. Accept the inevitable, and go about your business until you reach your goal.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): On the 10th, concentrate on money matters, contracts and what you need to do in order to update your qualifications, and you will discover alternatives you hadn't considered in the past. Take care of personal business on the 11th and 12th, and you will feel optimistic about your future. Update your resume or strategize how you plan to get ahead this year. Emotional manipulation will not help you ward off complaints or negativity on the 13th and 14th. Don't make promises you cannot keep or get involved in schemes you cannot afford. A reunion on the 15th and 16th will ignite old feelings you had for someone. Be careful, or you will end up repeating the same mistake you made in the past.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): An intuitive approach to the problems you face on the 10th will help you find a workable solution that will save you time and money. On the 11th and 12th, observe how other people live, and you will discover an interesting way to adjust your current routine to better fit your lifestyle. Don't fear change; make it happen. Your family life will take a positive turn on the 13th and 14th if you make choices that are cost-efficient. Easing your everyday stress will be a welcome bonus. Don't let a meddler cause you grief on the 15th and 16th. Keep your personal affairs private, and steer clear of unpredictable people and situations, or an emotional meltdown can be expected.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): An emotional memory will lead to insecurity or an argument on the 10th. Do your best to keep your head level and to make those you care about feel loved. Make plans to do something exciting and different on the 11th and 12th, and include someone who brings you joy. It will improve your relationship and encourage spending more time together. Pay more attention to your surroundings, belongings and the way you live on the 13th and 14th, and you will come up with ways to cut corners, freeing up cash for family outings. You'll find the answer you've been looking for if you participate in an event geared toward self or home improvement on the 15th and 16th. Romance is encouraged.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Socialize with friends or relatives on the 10th, and you will find out information about your background or culture that will be beneficial. A discussion you have regarding money will lead to trouble on the 11th and 12th. Joint ventures will be riddled with unexpected problems. Keep your financial affairs to yourself. Emotional issues will surface on the 14th and 15th if you haven't been spending enough time with family or you've neglected an important friendship. Make a point to offer affection and appreciation, and make amends. Deception or an unrealistic outlook will jeopardize your lifestyle or relationship with someone you love on the 15th and 16th. A serious discussion will help you get to the root of the problem.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Speak from the heart to ensure you get your point across with enough punch that it brings about the changes you desire on the 10th. Do something creative or make a point to include children in whatever you do on the 11th and 12th. The contribution and insight offered from innocent minds will be eye-opening. Someone will stand in your way or try to enforce changes you don't want on the 13th and 14th. Be blunt about the way you feel and what you want. Now is not the time to keep the peace. A partnership will face problems on the 15th and 16th. Listen to complaints, but be prepared to voice some of your own. Strive to achieve equality.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Give more time and hands-on help to causes and people you genuinely want to help on the 10th, and you will also benefit from the experience. On the 11th and 12th, don't get sucked into an emotional situation that will end in a stalemate. You are better off getting together with people who are forward-thinking and have positive input to contribute. Make plans to spend time with someone you love on the 13th and 14th. A romantic plan will enhance your relationship and help you reach a personal goal. Keep an open mind on the 15th and 16th, but don't promise to take part in someone else's idea. Do your own thing, and stick to a budget you can control.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stick to basics and what you know you can do and can afford on the 10th. Put restrictions on eating, drinking and spending. Soul searching will help you bring about positive changes on the 11th and 12th. Be honest when you evaluate your current position, lifestyle and financial situation, and make adjustments accordingly. Problems with friends, relatives or neighbors will escalate if you become emotional on the 13th and 14th. Listen to what others have to say, and look for compromises that everyone can live with. Expressing the way you feel about someone you love on the 15th and 16th will help your relationship and open up discussions that will lead to a happier household and lifestyle.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll prosper if you invest in something that will allow you to use your knowledge and skills more efficiently on the 10th. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Someone from your past will want to reconnect on the 11th and 12th. Don't share personal information, or you will end up doing damage control to uphold your reputation. There is an unusual opportunity heading your way on the 13th and 14th. Let your instincts lead the way, and you will be able to make vocational moves that will increase your earning potential. Don't let emotions lead to impulsive actions on the 15th and 16th. Remain calm, and reserve the right to say no respectfully.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do whatever it takes to feel confident and good about who you are and what you have to offer, and it will lead to an unexpected proposal on the 10th. Share your emotions on the 11th and 12th, and you will be able to head into the year with greater optimism and the hope of resolving any issues that have caused uncertainty or worry. It will be easy to mistake or to misdiagnose symptoms on the 13th and 14th. Don't wait around guessing what's wrong or what you should do. Take action. It's better to be safe than sorry. Rely on past experience to help you make the right choice regarding your position, direction or financial situation on the 15th and 16th.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Someone you think is an authority or expert will misdirect you on the 10th. Investigate and check qualifications before you make choices based on poor data. Avoid dealing with banks, government agencies or authority figures on the 11th and 12th. Time is on your side, and being careful with your documents and personal paperwork is in your best interest. The concerns you have should be brought out into the open on the 13th and 14th. You will discover you are not alone and that as a group you can make a difference. An emotional change of heart will help you gain clarity regarding what you want to do and who you want to spend your time with on the 15th and 16th.