JUNE 1 - 7, 2014
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take care of domestic matters on the 1st. Positive changes around home will allow you greater freedom to do your own thing. Networking will help you expand professional possibilities on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, allowing you to put your talents and skills to good use. Don't let someone you have an emotional attachment to hold you back. Improving your eating and exercise habits will make you feel energized and ready to take on new projects on the 5th and 6th. Hard work will be recognized and rewarded. Personal problems will arise on the 7th if you let emotional matters escalate. Take care of your responsibilities and honor any promises you make to avoid criticism.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be a participant on the 1st. Get involved in neighborhood or community events, and you will get the inside scoop on something or someone who interests you. Stubbornness will be your downfall if you let it take over on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Have an open mind and learn to compromise, and you can prevent a dispute. A little self-indulgent pampering will give you the lift you need and the confidence required to reach your goals on the 5th and 6th. Make fun plans on the 7th. Socialize with people you find inspiring and who have the means to contribute as much as you do, and it will lead to plans that will change your life.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Rethink the way you handle money matters on the 1st. If you want to get rid of debt, you will have to stop making impulse purchases. Take control of any situation you face on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Follow your heart and let your emotions take over. Expressing the way you feel will capture attention. There will be a lot going on in your personal life on the 5th and 6th. A problem is likely to arise regarding honesty if you withhold information. Invest in your future, not what someone else wants. Take on a competitive challenge on the 7th. Start a new hobby or project that will take your mind off your worries.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don't let your disappointment show on the 1st. Anger will mount if things don't go your way. Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot. Avoid making a rash decision on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Put effort into doing what you are supposed to do without complaint. Taking care of your responsibilities will help build trust and loyalty with someone you care about. Communication will help you get what you want on the 5th and 6th. Your excellent memory will help you make a good impression with everyone you encounter. Plan your actions carefully on the 7th. Someone is likely to feel left out if you don't pay attention.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Put your energy into positive change that will help you raise your earning potential on the 1st. Take care of your health and emotions. Being cautious will help you avoid mishaps. A business trip or discussing what you have to offer will lead to new beginnings on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Pace yourself and set your priorities straight. Do whatever it takes to advance. Revisit your dreams and set goals on the 5th and 6th. If you haven't lived up to your expectations, it's time to do something about it. Plan a little get-together or day trip on the 7th. You will impress everyone with your ability to organize plans and keep everyone smiling.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Mingling will lead to interesting conversations and new friendships on the 1st. Get involved in a cause you feel strongly about, and you will make a difference. Listen to what others have to say, but do your research before taking anyone's word on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Don't be afraid to add your signature to a project; it's time you took credit for the work you do. Be a leader, and you will gather followers. Your life may become complicated on the 5th and 6th if too many people are making demands on your time. On the 7th, get up early and finish your chores so that you can relax and have some fun.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): on the 1st, use your intuitive intelligence to draw attention to the projects you want others to recognize. Focus on finding solutions. You can step into the limelight on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, but be mindful of those who want to share the glory. Too much of anything will be what drags you down. Follow through with your plans, but don't go overbudget. Problems with partners will surface due to information that is withheld on the 5th and 6th. Don't volunteer without having all the facts. Consider your options and re-evaluate your motives on the 7th. Get yourself back on track. Do things you enjoy instead of following someone else. Don't let your emotions take over.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You will draw interest to the projects you are keen to pursue if you share your incredibly creative ideas and plans on the 1st. Someone will offer you expert advice. Don't be too eager to trust others on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th -- especially when it comes to work or money matters. Someone you care for will cost you financially if you don't put your foot down. You cannot buy love. Opportunities will develop when you least expect them on the 5th and 6th. Be prepared to take advantage of whatever comes your way. You will learn a lot if you volunteer your time and services on the 7th. Listen and observer what others say and do.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Take it easy on the 1st. Give yourself some wiggle room. You don't have to make a decision too quickly. Caution will lead to success. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, you will discover a lot about yourself if you look over your personal papers and consider the way you have handled your financial, legal and medical matters. Positive changes will ensure greater stability. Avoid people who try to back you into a corner or pressure you to make a commitment on the 5th and 6th. You are better to say no than to take a risk. Make some changes at home on the 7th that will add to your comfort, convenience and entertainment.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Avoid complaints, opposition and disagreements on the 1st; instead, use diplomacy to make a compromise. It will make a difference if you spend more time with the ones you love. Taking a risk will put you in a vulnerable position on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Keep your money in a safe place, and protect the people and things you cherish most. Tread carefully on the 5th and 6th. Mishaps will occur if you aren't careful or if you make a hasty decision. Don't allow an emotional matter to cloud your vision. Be secretive on the 7th. The less others know, the easier it will be to reach your goals.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on what you have to do to improve health and financial matters on the 1st. Take a conservative approach when dealing with elders or authority figures. Partnerships can be dealt with successfully on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Discuss your plans and what you require to ensure your success. Clear a space at home to develop your ideas. Do what you can to give back on the 5th and 6th. Volunteer your time and skills to a worthy cause. Your good Samaritan attitude will bring about an interesting proposal. Personal changes must not be costly and should be made for the right reasons on the 7th. Do the work yourself and you will gain respect.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Put your plans into motion and do the things you enjoy most on the 1st, and you will attract positive attention and worthwhile suggestions. Concentrate on whatever you think makes the most sense on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th -- even if you face opposition. Your intuition in financial and business matters will not lead you astray. Don't doubt your ability to do what's right, even if someone opposes you. Relationships can take a turn on the 5th and 6th. Speak directly and back your feelings with facts to avoid further repercussions. Do what you can to make an older family member comfortable on the 7th. Upgrading your surroundings will improve your lifestyle and raise your standard of living.