DEAR MISS MANNERS: How should I address ChatGPT? I deal with this creation every day. It responds to my questions and requests in a friendly, chatty manner. Its responses seem almost human.
Am I required to say "hello" to it before I begin? Must I say "please" when asking my questions? Must I thank it afterwards?
Or is it acceptable to treat it as a mindless automaton -- which it is?
GENTLE READER: Yes, it is mindless. So are dolls and stuffed animals, but we encourage children to treat them kindly.
Why? To form habits of politeness.
The unfortunate requirement of saying “Hey!” to get the attention of a certain nonhuman helper has led to the widespread rudeness of summoning human beings the same way. How much better it is to distribute a few not-strictly-necessary pleases and thank-yous than to run the risk of developing coarse habits.