DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: Why anyone would think this slimeball I’m stuck working with is attractive is completely beyond me. But to hear this guy talk, he has a different girl waiting every time he tells his wife he is heading “out with the boys.”
He shares every gross detail of his hookups the next day, and when one of us tries to shut him down, he just finds someone else to corner and brag to.
This guy is tight with the top HR officer, so whenever a complaint is lodged ‒ and there have been a few since I’ve been working there ‒ it gets “investigated” and dropped. Convenient, huh?
How do we shut this guy up? --- HE’S SO GROSS
DEAR HE’S SO GROSS: If your coworker has a guardian angel in HR, it could be time to start documenting instances of his bragging sessions to bring up with someone outside that department, such as your or his supervisor.
I can’t imagine any company would want to leave itself open to charges of sexual harassment, which his behavior has a good chance of being considered.